what’s in a name?

December 4, 2009

i’ve been asked why i chose the name “a juicy pear” for my business.  it was actually quite intentional and has meaning to me.

i was a dance major in college and took different art classes.  one of my favorite courses was art history.  i loved dissecting the imagery and tossing around theories of what message was being sent in the chosen subjects.  fruit is a major player in art, and historically, the pear represents the female form. i loved the idea of half of a pear showing its seeds as representative of fertility, womanhood, motherhood and beauty.  since i love capturing images of women and especially pregnant women, i thought that the name would be a subtle connection to art and symbolism. 

i wanted to be a midwife for many years and was just starting school when i got pregnant with samuel.  i stopped attending and always planned on going back, but as i moved through the process of 6 pregnancies, and 4 deliveries, i started to notice the less glamourous side to midwifery: everyday check ups, pap smear appointments,  pregnant teens and unplanned pregnancies filled the offices, and i realized that i was more in love with the idea of delivering babies to excited, and loving parents more than doing the everyday tasks of a midwife.  for me, photographing infants and pregnant mothers gives me that powerful emotion and connection i wanted. i get the special joy of being with parents who are celebrating their new life, andi  share with them a very fleeting and sweet time…

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