
December 3, 2009

i am slowly stepping into the public eye with my camera to my face and my heart on my sleeve.

i’ve been “doing photography” for about 5 years now.  for friends, family and paying clients.  but it wasn’t until earlier this year, when i landed a job that literally fell into my lap, that i finally have started to feel bold enough to call myself a photographer.

i’m certainly not an expert.  i don’t know it all.  i can see many flaws in my work and want to get better as an editor.  but.  i’m learning, and getting better, and feeling ok about where i’m at for the moment…. as long as i keep getting better.

photographers can be catty to one another… makes it scary to put my work out there… knowing that there will always be artists ahead of me, and always be those on my coattails.  but i’m ready.  i’m ready to show the world how i see it.  to share my work with people, and not be so afraid of what others think anymore.  so while this is a blog that will be filled with client sneak peeks and fun posts…  i will never ever forget that my mere existence here is a vulnerable place to plunge my heart into.  art is subjective… and some will love it, others will not.

i hope you come here because something in my work speaks to you.  i prefer to photograph infants, and expecting mothers.. and i hope to capture emotion.  i hope that when you look into the photograph that you will feel something.. that you will have a moment of connection with that subject.

so, enjoy!  and i hope you’ll visit often